Monday, March 5, 2012

The Ol' Wash+Dry

I spent the better part of the morning at the washateria. Our washer and dryer arrive on Wednesday but we were in need of some clean undies. I don't know how exactly I lost this bet but it was me who went. And I was cursing my husband when I realized 90% of the clothes were his. I can remember our washer breaking when I was a kid and my mom hauling our laundry (and me) to such an establishment. We would start the washers and then go run errands. I remember being terrified someone would steal our clothes. I saw the same thing today! People walking in to start up a load and then leave. I wouldn't even let my cheapy laundry baskets out of my sight.
 It really wasn't that bad.

It was an experience for sure. And you know what? It really wasn't that bad. I watched Extra and Wendy Williams (that was the most irritating part), the constant hum of the dryers lulled me into a state of relaxation, and it smelled like dryer sheets! I might just go if our dryer get lost or something.

Happy Folding!

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