Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Mad about Mad Men

I know the entire world is mad about Mad Men but we especially love it. After every episode I ask Mr. R to go out and buy me a pack of cigarettes. While he is out I'll put on my house dress and paint my nails red. This never happens by the way....but doesn't Betty make smoking look so glamorous!

I have a love hate relationship with every character. Pete...hate! Joan....love! Betty.....crazy! January Jones is so stinkin' beautiful though! Don...I go back and forth. Peggy....I question her decisions almost daily but I like her most of the time. I feel like I know them!!!

We love the show so much we might have had Mad Men themed engagement pictures taken. Ok, we did....but it was a very loose theme! They were pretty amazing I have to say. Thanks to Emma Goode Photography who is just all around awesome! If you forgot how photogenic my husband is, here is a little reminder.

We haven't seen the season premiere! I keep plugging my ears when I hear people talking about it. But tonight's the night. Two hours together watching our favorite show. I am super excited!

Happy Imaginary Smoking!

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