Wednesday, October 19, 2016

A few Thank You notes..

Thank you, put together stay at home mom, for bringing organic dehydrated vegetables to the park for a snack. I appreciate your kindness in sharing with my children even after they spit them out. I like your Lulu Lemon work out pants and side braid. Your cheeks look naturally sun kissed. You seem nice. I applaud you endlessly for staying home with your littles! Tell me more about your Halloween Pinterest board? You go girl! Sorry I gave your kid stale goldfish that were at the bottom of the backpack. I'm sure he will be fine!

Thank you, working mom, for embracing the store bought cupcakes for the school bake sale. I like your style. I see you in your full face of make-up and well put together outfit. You let your kids buy their lunch? Smart girl! Thank you for having your kids in pants and a shirt....who really needs shoes anyways. Thank you for leaving your kid in daycare an extra 30 minutes so you can run to the grocery store to buy milk in peace. You actually went and got a pedicure?...even better! Kudos for giving your kids Wendy's frosty and fries for dinner. I see you and I like you!

Thank you, not-so-put-together-stay-at-home-mom, for keeping it real and dropping a solid  GD in front of your kids. Thanks for not getting mad when my child threw wood chips at your infant. I assure you it was an accident. How's the gas mileage on your mini? I see you sister and I applaud you. Can I buy you a pizza? Mommin' aint easy! Is that wine in your water bottle? Can I have some?

Thank you, Texas summer, for not ending until November. Maybe it's the triple digits or the 100% humidity but your really know when to turn it when I'm trying to get two small children in their car seats. Can you pass a little note your your friend air conditioner unit? I'm still not over the fact the he broke over Labor Day weekend. That was a real ballsy move AC! Living out of the car and sleeping at my sister's was a memorable 3 days. Thank you for nothing are the worst!

Thank you, beloved children of mine, for not giving two whips that all I want to do is nap. You are so kind to wake up at 5:30am demanding things like milk and attention. I enjoy cleaning up endless piles of toys, dishes, poop, and pushing you up hill both ways to the park in the dead of summer. No seriously I love y'all so much, I would push you through the Sahara if you asked! Y'all are my everything! Thank you for being my best buddies!

Thank you George and Nelson, for reminding me everyday that God sent you both to us for a reason. I am pretty sure that reason is to teach us patience and kindness and forgiveness. George, your anxiety and overall social weirdness is something I have never seen in a dog. Nelson, your ability to wreck havoc in whatever your doing, not listening, and being so incredibly stubborn is one for the books. Thanks guys, I know one day you will be old and want to nap all day and I will miss pulling diapers out your mouths and spraying off all of the unique places you've peed. Thanks really for cleaning up the space foam and play-doh from the floor. I only know this from picking up your poop. I'm sure it is organic! Stay weird!

Thank you, varicose veins, for showing up about 20 weeks ago. You really know how to make a girl feel self conscious about her right leg. You are horribly disgusting and larger than your last appearance. We wont even mention your evil cousin who has made camp up North. Y'all are both the worst! Thank you for giving me a sneak peek of what my legs will look like in 50 years. I can't wait for it to hit 80 degrees so I can wear compression hose.

Thank you, high school students, for turning a blind eye to your teacher eating crackers behind her desk. Thank you too for acting like my outfit choices are normal and I'm not hiding a ginormous mid section under my apron. You're sweet for letting be take to trashcan outside to gag into. Super sorry for my short temper and my inability to form simple everyday words like....shoot, I can't remember.

Thank you, first time pregnant girl, for telling about all the naps you took this weekend. I remember those days. No I don't, what's a nap? Tell me more about your maternity clothes shopping and your minute by minute birth plan? Let me know how that works out. How's What to Expect .....What chapter is, How to get your 3 year old to stop changing his own poopy diaper, in? Oh just stops at the pregnancy? A little advice just skip to whatever literature you can find on terrible toddlers. You will need way more research on that topic!

Thank you, husband, for letting me go to bed at 8:30 some nights. I know the spontaneous crying during dinner is getting old. I'm sorry about all the lists I have been writing out and making you complete said list. This is all your fault by the way.

Thank you morning sickness for lasting all day and well into the second trimester and almost third! You really know how to make a girl feel like crap for months. I don't know if I can take much more togetherness. You have already given me so the ability to only eat Ramen noodles for a month OR peeing my pants every time I vomit. You are something!

Guess what?
I'm pregnant! And apparently if it's not on social media it's not really happening. So here you go world, baby #3 coming at ya! Well, in a few more months. I'm totally joking about being a pissy pregnant lady. I'm actually enjoying it (now....ish). Kudos to all the stay-at-home, working, put-to-gether, hot mess, 14th baby or first time moms out there. Y'all are all rock stars. I am a little bit of all of you!

Remember my first pregnancy announcement? What about my second?

First vs. Second vs. Third Pregnancy
(1) Puking almost everyday until 15 weeks ish (2) Dry heaving and horrible food aversions until 18 weeks ish (3) On meds...still

(1)Horrible heartburn (2) Little heartburn (3) I'm sure it's coming

(1) Big boobs (2) NONE!! I'm too skinny and Raleigh sucked me dry....I miss you boobs! (3) seriously looking into nipple reconstruction

(1) Emotional crazy woman (2) Emotional crazy woman (3) Too tired for any emotions

(1) M&Ms, fried eggs, cottage cheese (2) Spaghetti, gummy bears, mint chocolate chip ice cream, turkey sandwiches....and champagne...and donuts! (3) I mean is it edible? I'm in! Fritos...isn't that a weird craving!

(1) Nervous about every pregnancy milestone (2) Really nervous about every pregnancy milestone (3) Freaking terrified about reaching every pregnancy milestone

(1) Tummy really popped about 22 weeks (2) Tummy popped at 18 weeks (3) Tummy popped at 5 weeks TRUTH!

(1) Tired (2) Completely and utterly exhausted down to my toe nails (3) I'm sorry, what? I just fell asleep standing up.

(1) Nursery design planned (2) Nursery complete....we are moving Raleigh into a big boy room which I haven't started so new baby gets a hand me down room that is just a little bit worn. (3) Where the hell are we going to put this kid?

Pregnancy Dreams
(1) Had a dream about a sonogram and a scrotum:) (2) no baby dreams (3) I wish all my children and dogs would sleep through the night so I could get a good night dreams!

(1) All about the closet clean out (2) Did it! (3) It's funny with this pregnancy my nesting is more like "I should probably do that but I'm going to go to bed instead." Maybe it will kick in later? Or maybe I have become a realist. That closet isn't going to stay cleaned out and organized...we live HERE! When I get an idea it's moments before I am on to something else, mostly cleaning up my kids toys, laundry, poop.

Birth Plan
(1) Have clean hair at the delivery (2) Make it through the Oak cliff Mardi Gras Parade, Have clean hair, stop at Chilck-Fil-A on the way to the hospital (3) Really want to make the Chick-Fil-A happen this time. Maybe catch a nap alone before the baby comes. Lots and lots of that margarita drug....what the hell is that stuff, it's amazing! and can I get an epidural for the road? Ooooh! Have the cleaning lady pop in while I'm gone. Best plan ever! Can you have pizza delivered to delivery room....double delivery;)

And if you are still reading...WOW, you must have gotten a good nights sleep. My two big boys (and they are so so big) are so much fun right now. Raleigh is still my Mr. Fix it! His imagination is so detailed. He loves playing fireman, police man, Octonauts, still loves a good lawn mowing. He loves tools and most recently has become this affectionate little love bug. He tells us all the time how much he loves us and misses us. He tells his Daddy "You're my best buddy!" He just hugs all over Ridge and calls him his baby bumble bee. He loves to snuggle and sleep with his mama. We have been falling asleep together a lot recently! Both boys can really sit and color. Rals loves to cut paper and glue!! Raleigh is still not potty trained and has ZERO interest in it. Everyone tells me not to push it but I would really like to NOT have 3 children in diapers. He definitely does things on his own time. Every night, and I mean every.single.night he says "This was the best day ever....but what are we going to do tomorrow?" I mean, what a great outlook on life! He is so much fun! Love him!

Oh the Ridglette. This boy is obsessed with sports. He can kick a soccer ball all day. Loves to throw, kick, chase anything! He really likes the sandbox and wants to hug/crawl on and under the dogs non stop. He is still the happiest kid but I can tell the "terrible twos" are coming....just in time for new baby! He is the best sleeper and just this week he asked to sleep in Raleigh's room. He is just getting so big so fast. And speaking of fast. Those legs might be chubby but this kid can move! He is talking and started the dreading "Why mama?" Usually right after I tell him no. The cutest thing he asks is "Where's Georgie, or Poppie, or Crash....I mean, if he knows your name he is asking where they are. Ridge loves Nemo and loves loves loves his brother. I ask him a lot of questions because I feel like his motor mouth brother won't let him get a word in. My favorite replies are "Yesssshhhhhh, Tank you, Guuuud, Peeaaasssse". Everyday I ask how his day was and he says Guuuuud! He just giggles and smiles and waves all the time. He is my person.

If everything goes as planned. And I fully embrace the lack of plan here. We obviously can plan for nothing in this life!! Rals will be 3.5, Ridge will be 2 weeks short of 2 years old, and I will have a newborn!! Holy crap! Start sending over the bottles of seriously, can you register for that?
We are really excited and welcome all the prayers, happy thoughts, and good vibes you can send our way these next few months....eeerrrr years!

25 weeks! And a 19 month old Ridge!
So I guess it's official now that is on social media. I'm pregnant!

Here is the one and only belly shot from #3. No filter either. That's ME! After working all day, in stretchy pants, holding a kid in a dirty shirt and probably dirty diaper.

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Dear Raleigh...

Dear Raleigh Roo,
3 years old today! I love you so much my heart hurts sometimes little boy. How can a three year old be so creative and clever. You are my constant "worker". Your imagination makes me laugh and is also incredibly frustrating at moments when I can't figure out how to work the "crib" firetruck water valves....and you lecture me for not knowing. You have three speeds; asleep, fast forward doing something messy, and most recently, totally zoned into a TV show. I love that you love to paint and draw and make up songs. I love that you love all things construction. I love that you love your cousins and try to impress them constantly. I love your laugh and your silly sayings. My favorites recently are....
I'm just teasing....
Are you listening, I'm talking to you....
Just a teeeeeeny tiny little bit more....
I suuuuuure do...
I'm tired from all that workin' (Or bounce housin')
How was your goodnight sleep?
You mean that whimpy deer....(quote from The Sandlot)

You are an amazing negotiator and have the strongest will. Seriously kid, you can talk yourself out of anything. Oh, but at moments you are the sweetest. I swear I will drop everything if I hear "come sit by me mama". And I am a sucker for the night snuggles and you get me every.single.night.

You are such a great brother and I hope your friendship grows stronger and stronger every day. I wish I could bottle up you are y'alls laughter somedays. I wish I could video every couch jump, wrestle match, and those moments of just playing together. I hope you will project Ridge forever and be a good role model because he worships the ground you walk on! Worships!

I hope 3 treats you well little man. I hope you learn to pee pee on the potty. I hope you learn so many new things and have some great adventures. Know that Mommy and Daddy love you so so so so much. You are my best buddy!

Happy Birthday Rals! Love, Mama

This year was really fun because Rals could tell me everyone he wanted to invite and what he wanted to do at the party. This kid is so lucky, surrounded by sweet friends.

Raleigh's birthday wish list....
Donuts (chocolate)
Bounce House
........and done!

These are some unedited pics from my phone! One day I'll have it together and get out the real camera for a birthday party...until then...

It's my party and I'll cry if I want to....especially if I bust my lip open!

Not sure how he is breathing???

That's a 3 year old folks!
Happy 3rd Birthday Raleigh!

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Ho ho ho!

..... ever heard of Christmas in July? Well let's start a new trend, Christmas in May!

Christmas 2015 in the books. We laughed, we cried, Santa came, Santa left. It was a jolly good time had by all. Can you tell I have forgotten everything from five months ago. I am looking through my photos on my phone to jog my memory. This post is so delayed because of life! I'm tired and there are lunches to be made and a rug that needs vacuuming. I can think of 800 more pressing things to do but if I don't get these memories down I will probably forget.

(Disclaimer I actually wrote the following in February so it was still a little fresh....and then I couldn't get my stupid pictures to upload and now it's May...."F" it, here it is.)

Seeing Santa 
So for the past two years I braved North Park to see jolly St. Nick. This year I grew a brain and decided my time was better spent doing.....shoot, doing anything BUT standing in line to see the North Park Santa. I get it, I do. He is very well groomed and costumed. It is the same guy every year. So basically you have a great photo display of the same Santa for the years your kids will sit on his lap. Again, you do you North Park Santa. I just didn't have it in me this year.

Downtown Neiman Marcus you have changed my holiday experience . We parked 10 feet from the door. Walked 10 feet to the line. Waited 10 minutes. Saw the nicest friendliest Santa who spoke to my children and was jolly! He was so sweet I really wanted to go in for a hug myself. It doesn't take a lot to get Ridge to smile but ol' Raleigh is a crap shoot. Major props to the photographer. He was just as funny and sweet as the big guy! There is just something about seeing Santa through the eyes of children. Standing in line watching to older kids ahead of us in line made my heart just fill with happiness.

Trimming the Tree
Is that a real thing? Do people cut/shape their tree. I wouldn't know. I am from a fake tree family and that is all I know. Pre-lit or go home. Christmas decorating with small children is not the fire glowing, hot chocolate drinking, matching pjs I had imagined. Maybe one day, I am not counting it out but have you met my children? After digging ornament hooks from Ridge's mouth and the 100th ornament flying across the room I decorated the tree after those busy bodies went to bed. And then redecorated it about 50 times until every decoration was on the top half of the tree. Lesson learned. Hey, whoever invented the "plastic but looks like glass" ornament....good for you! It was probably a mom...just sayin'.

Double Trouble

Christmas Pageant
I am a total sucker for a nativity play. I mean, a two year old acting like a pregnant woman. Just stop the cuteness. This was both boys first Christmas play. Their school director asked me to paint a butcher paper backdrop. I believe the exact dimensions she asked for were 4x4 feet. That was not going to do for my children's stage debut. We dropped the full stage screen and I created multiple digital scenes to accompany the performance.....because I'm insane. No really because I wanted it to be super special for all of the kids. It was hilarious. Ridge was made for the stage! AND Raleigh actually wore a costume...sort was a hoodie with donkey ears but it was still a costume! Oh the cuteness!

Christmas Eve Church 
Because the holidays aren't stressful enough let's pile in the car in our nicest clothes and force our children to be quiet for more than 2 minutes right around that dreaded witching hour. The last few years we have been attending Christmas eve service with my sweet sis and her family. Her church knocks it out of the park with music so I thought the more noise the better. The pastor always puts everyone at ease before the service and reminds us that the birth of Christ was probably pretty noisy....being in a barn full of animals and a women giving birth with no drugs. Ridge was wonderful but my sweet two year old bolted about 30 minutes in and ran full sprint up and down the aisles. I wholeheartedly acted like I didn't know him. Swear. I let Mr. R take care of him. In real life I mouthed "who's kid is that?!?!?!" (disapproving face). Uh, but we survived, like we always do. 

Christmas Morning
My sweet babes are still so little. I'm not sure Raleigh understood the whole "Santa" part of it. I can only imagine how much more fun it will be in years to come. Raleigh of course would not wear the new Christmas jammies I bought for him and opted for a more eclectic look. SMH! But we had fun non the less. Biggest hit of the morning....Chuggington stickers and real leaf blower and Ridge was pretty stoked about the zoo animals!


Family Time
We are so lucky to have family so close. Getting together is not uncommon but seeing the more extended family is always fun. Raleigh loves being with his older cousins, aunts, and uncles. We are so very blessed!

Christmas morning brunch with the R crew

Headed to the farm!

Home-made Christmas Presents

It is a tradition I absolutely LOVE! It is so easy to forget what this holiday is about when we are surrounded by "stuff". So about 16 years ago my family started going back to the basics. There is always an official/unofficial contest for the best homemade gift. I really thought I had it in the bag this year and then Mary Grace came out of no where and stole the show. Dang it 11 year old and your fun fresh ideas. She totally rocked a hand made Texas pillow. They were awesome. A vintage button over Dallas. We also had rustic photo displays with personal pics and quotes, herb garden, salad dressing, salsa, outdoor art installation, toy bins, "toot-toot-ta loos" (by Raleigh), and more....eeerrrr, I can't remember. I made a camp fire song book with a Spotify playlist in case your guitarist couldn't make the trip. I used songs that were really just special to our family. Lots of Lionel Richie, Oak Ridge Boys, old country stuff. This is a tradition I hope never dies. Watching the littles get into it has made it even more fun. Next year I will be better about taking pictures of everything!
 This pic pretty much sums it up!

Merry May!

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Dear Ridge....

Ridge Matthew, my Bubbie, my love, my person, how are you one year old? The moment the doctor told us you were a boy I was so relieved. I really was, I wanted a brother for Rals so bad. When he held you up and we saw that little chubby squished face, Daddy and I didn't know what to think of you. We could not figure out who you looked like. I held you really tight those first few days so you would feel loved because baby boy, you weren't very cute. Doesn't that sound horrible, but you weren't. We have been snuggled in together ever since. And you sure got cuter!!! You have been the easiest, happiest baby....EVER! 

We are proud to live in Oak Cliff!

Those cheeks. Uuuhhhh, those cheeks! I could literally get lost in those perfectly fat cheeks. Sometimes you smile so hard I think they might pop! Strangers at the grocery store will actually leave their carts and walk over to talk to you and tell me what a good baby you are. Daddy says you think the grocery store is the compliment love it!
This is him perfectly! Happiest kid in town!

You are such a good player too. You love toys, especially balls. You can catch and throw and will do this for several minutes. I am so amazed with what you can do with blocks, Legos, and Little People....ooooh and cars, you love to roll cars. Gosh, basically if its a toy you are in. You are all boy too. Rough and tumble, climbing on dangerous stuff, knocking things over, getting dirty. What am I going to do with y'all when you get bigger? I can barely stay on top of laundry now!

When I look at you now I see a perfect combination of your Poppie and Papa. I don't want you to grow up. I want you to be little and chubby forever. When you put your head on my shoulder and suck your thumb I think I might melt into the floor.


I hope you know that Daddy and I would do anything for you. I hope you can feel you are so so SOOOO loved by SOOOO many people....and two dogs. You have made our family feel complete and our house full.

Happiest of birthday my precious bubs! Love, Mama

Ridge Milestones
I mean no one really cares but me so feel free to stop reading. I just have to put them down here as my child has no baby book. What will I do if internet breaks?!?!?!
- Teeth: 4...they are sharp!
- Words: Mama, Dada, bye bye, E-I-E-I - Ohhhhh!, I swear he says "Here you go", Uh-oh
- Signs: More, All done, Please, working on Thank you
- Walks!
- Runs while pushing anything that moves!
- Claps and sings and plays "Circle time"
- Loves to stack toys....really into blocks, balls, legos, little people animals.
- Smiles all the time
- Loves his will forever be my barnacle baby.
- Loves his puppies
- Loves/hates puppy kisses
- Loves food....will eat anything
- Still nursing (ish) did I mention his nickname is barnacle